Friday, February 12, 2010

India:Opportunities Within part 3!

We keep talking about creating more jobs, more opportunities and raising standards and what not but are we really working towards all that? Are we even trying to focus on the root issues? Are we open to accept all the shortcomings we have to put up with ?

Like they say, truth is always bitter and rightly i feel we still have a very long way to go..
The path to achieving our ultimate goals has always been hazy and when we get to see most of our nation's decisions taken by Orthodox people( old school ) one feels that those paths are now starting to develop cracks as well! so.. the hazy path together with cracks leads us to where?
Where do we even start?
The solution might lie in the setting and following of a 'Detour'...
Yes... new ideas are to be encouraged and the most prominent ones are to be addressed...

Anyway, the point i am stressing upon is the introduction of new radical ideas... ideas that would bring about 'Real Changes'. Ideas can come only when the proper environment for the support and growth of those ideas is set.

I'd like to term it as 'The Call For Upliftment'
The thought came to me when a friend of mine came to me asking for my thoughts on his project he was thinking of implementing...
The Project itself is very unique in nature that it could be termed as a radical idea!
The project is aimed at the upliftment of people, poor people as a whole. The theme and basis of the idea is very simple and if implemented and properly executed then it could bring about radical changes and result in the 'upliftment' of the society and hence 'upliftment' of the Country as a whole!

'The Call for Upliftment' is a call upon the student fraternity, it calls upon every student in every college to contribute to the 'call for upliftment' programme...
It is simple, it is precise and it is what the country needs...

We hear people speaking about abolishing poverty, providing homes for the homeless, etc ,etc but how do they plan to do it? do they even have a plan?

I just wish they would hear 'The Call for Upliftment' and hence be a part of this call... i just wish they recognize the uniqueness and importance of the 'Call for upliftment' and understand its development oriented nature and hence adopt it or atleast encourage it for they are the people with power...

If 'the call for upliftment' is in place and goes according to plans then radical changes can be brought about in the economy and prosperity of the nation and with the proper execution of the programme, a whole generation of people could be benefited...
The project might not bring about immediate , noticeable changes but it is sure to bring about a 'change' , a change every Indian wouldappreciate and respect...

Creating opportunities need not necessarily mean setting up of new I.T companies and allowing foreign firms to set up plants here in India hoping that they would generate new employment prospects rather it would mean empowering the nation with its own strength, its own precious resources- its own people... Making use of its own own people to empower itself and become a self sustained nation...

The Programme might sound absurd and might be ridiculed upon but its just in the process of growing in terms of baby steps and once its in place then the call will reach ALL ! It would and will be heard by the masses!!

Kudos to my friend Hemanth for coming up with the plan!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cant take this away from me!

If you go ask a professor ' what is that one thing which no one can ever take away from you', he'd probably answer- knowledge!
If you ask a guy who has had a breakup and has discovered this hidden talent of philosophy in him then he'd probably not agree with the professor's answer and have his own philosophical take on it! agree upon it or don't but its his philosophical take!

This post is about this guy who has had a break up and since then he has discovered so many hidden qualities in himself and one of them being the ability to express what he feels, to do what he really wants to and doing which he feels.. glad!
So, he has had a breakup and he feels that this has changed his outlook on life rather that incident has given him a new outlook on life! Things don't look the same to him, things don't mean the same to him, he does not take things for granted, he has learnt not to take things for granted and most importantly, people are never meant to be taken for granted!
He is often lost in Nostalgia longing for that someone with whom he used to cherish his days.He is often seen lost in some random thought and when asked what he was thinking he says- 'nothing'. Truth is, many a times he himself has no clue as to what he was thinking but that moment of peace with his own self was a very satisfying practise and so he used to do it often- loose himself in deep thoughts.
He was just like any other ordinary guy,living an extraordinarily boring life with not so many friends to be proud of and so leading a very useless life with no goals or aims what so ever but one day something happened. this something led to gigantic changes in this guy.That something was LOVE...
He fell in love for the time ever but he wasn't sure if it was love or mere he tried to convince himself saying that it was infatuation and that he should get back leading his 'extraordinarily boring life'.

The guy has had a break up and now he feels like as if he has learnt something.He is not sure as to what exactly he has learnt but this learning has brought about voluminous changes in him...
Yes he does get depressed and he feels like he's having the most horrific time of his life and he goes on to adopting seclusion as a companion and then weeps away his sorrows with no one to console him or make him. He does ask himself the same question any other guy who's had a break up would ask himself- ' could life be any worse? '
He recovers, recovery is something that was really difficult for him and he somehow made it through and now he feels... enlightened! he feels like he has learnt something that he never wanted nor wished to but that has given him Hope, hope to live every new day like its the last day of his life! hope to smile and make others smile! hope to survive and live life KING size!
this hope has given him the will to pursue his dreams and in the way to pursuing his dreams, he starts dreaming even more and then decides to follow his dreams....

I haven't really thought about that part yet:D ... so anyway this guy is now a different person and suppose you happen to ask him- 'whats the one thing that no one could ever take away from you ?' then he'd probably say- 'my memories'
Ironically this guy cherishes his memories of 'good' old days unlike any other broken heart romeo who would curse his past, time spent with his preconceived 'love of my life'.
Yes... the guy actually uses those memories as a source of strength and tries to live everyday with a memory that once made him smile... the difference now is that he does not smile but neither does he cry!

Our guy finds hope in his everyday life, small events begin to give him the strength to live every day to the fullest and cherish every day like never before.So the guy starts to think of all the time he had spent in getting to know his 'preconceived love of my life' and all the time spent with her and how he cared about nothing else in the world other than her.the world then seemed pretty small with just her in it! but now it feels like as if he is into a totally different time frame.Things aren't the same any more. the world has suddenly grown in size and he is able to see beyond what any normal person could see. He could see all the pain and misery inflicted by man, he could feel all the pain and misery inflicted by man. so what does he do now?
he does not stop and so he decides to make it a point of doing something about that point of time he comes across a link on some site and registers himself with an NGO and since then he desperately awaits his turn to take part in the NGO's activities. he goes on to join this NGO that helps underprivileged kids and starts devoting his time for a good cause.
There was something that ignited this drastic change in the guy. there was this spark which lit from no where and now has left a huge mark in our guy.

Monday, February 8, 2010

India: Opportunities within -part2!

So i met my cousin the other day and he was telling me about this job interview he recently went through. He actually made it till the final round of a reputed company's interview but couldn't get the job so when i asked why he couldn't make it, he told me this is what happened
  • The questions they asked him in the final round were too simple so he decided not to answer them
  • He chose to be stubborn and replied saying -'i dont know'
  • he also answered saying- i dont remember, i had it in my mind sometime ago but now i dont seem to remember
  • they also told him that he would have the privilege to do his MS at the BITS Pilani yet he continued to maintain his 'i dont care' attitude
so thats how he got rejected and when i asked him why he did it, he said- ' i was not interested'
His friends on the other hand who failed to even make it through to the final round were so very mad at him that they would not even listen to his take on why he behaved that way!
Just like his friends i too was really furious at his reply and i was like 'OK so what are you interested in? what are you gonna do now?' then he said wanted to do MBA and he's already into preparing for those exams and all.
The manner in which he told he was going to do MBA was in itself so convincing that i was now glad that he wanted to do something he was interested in, something he really wanted to do. My fury was now subsiding and his justification though not totally right was at least meaningful in some way. This made me wonder how many of us do something because we don't get to do what we want to.
Many a times we are left with no option than to do something just for the sake of it rather than searching or waiting for something we really want to do but at that point of time if we really decide to do what we really want to then i guess there is no second choice to make!
Its quite a plight to know many of us doing something just for the sake of doing something or due to peer pressure.

The key i feel is to 'believe in oneself' especially when one is left with the faintest of hope.
I remember my Vice Principal telling us this story about Sir Winston Churchill after the war where he was invited to deliver a speech at a School to boost the morale of the students and this is what his speech was like "Never,ever,ever, ever, ever,ever,ever give in.Never give in.Never give in.Never give in." After saying this he sat down. So my point is one has to believe in oneself and one has to really figure out what one is most interested in and pursue that till the end! Opportunities will then just follow or rather form at every step one takes!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

India:Opportunities within

There comes a point in everyone's life when one tends to imagine one's life after a span of say 5 or more years and imagine what sort of a life one would be leading. At that point of time one tends to look for those small leads that would ultimately fulfil one's desired idea of having a perfect life.

I've reached that particular point now where i have been literally forced to imagine how i would like to see my life bloom into in the years ahead. I've started to brood over all those opportunities I've missed out in the past and I've tried to console myself on the 'n' number of opportunities i might be blessed with in the near future.

So, i go about sharing my thoughts with my friends and getting to know their take on my point of view and some of them disagree on the 'n number of opportunities' part. I would have actually been satisfied with their take until recently when i got a chance to meet this Entrepreneur who had come to my college to deliver a lecture.

This was part of the E-Week being celebrated in my college and he was there on the launch of the E-Cell's we were listening to his words of inspiration and we just happened to be there by chance. chance was when one professor walked into our class during a very very irritating lecture and i happened to be the second guy to raise a hand when asked for a volunteer to attend the programme by the E-Cell.

My purpose of mentioning this person is because he made me realize something many of us are too focused to miss out on! something many of us would not even think of due to a few lame reasons that we convince ourselves with!
The very reason he was there that day was because he chose to become an Entrepreneur , an option that many would not even dare to think of and he was there doing just what he had to do, break that jinx! Almost everyone has this phobia about doing something on our own as if its something that's forbidden, something 'not to be named'. His speech was mainly focused on how one should think beyond getting a mediocre job in some IT company and depending on the various incentives that one gets and imagining to earn even more in the future and finally labelling oneself as 'settled'. Is that really the way one would tag being 'settled' as?
Maybe it was the way i would have tagged 'being settled' as until that particular day.That day, he gave us the hope of 'creating opportunities' for oneself and building on those opportunities. Especially in a country like India with its overwhelming and ever growing population there is never a shortage of customers.This was the basic idea he gave us that is probably the answer to all the current global economic crisis.Hence the need and scope of entrepreneurship is ever growing.
I was at doubt if i could even think of venturing out as an entrepreneur and so i put forth a question and nevertheless i was clear at the end due to his proper justification.If there was one prime thing he made me understand that day then it would be to 'believe in myself' and many a times i forget to do that, i forget to motivate myself, i tend to succumb even before taking part in anything! That was something i have to overcome and his words were the proper start i needed.

Thus the key lies in 'creating opportunities' rather than 'searching for opportunities' and if one starts thinking the 'entrepreneur way' then there's no looking back!