Monday, May 31, 2010

Handicapped !!

There are times when people loose stuff, some of those stuffs don't matter much while some do.Of those stuffs, some might be precious and some might be Invaluable. The idea is to hold onto the invaluable stuffs just for the simple reason that they're invaluable.But i just lost two of the most invaluable things(non living stuffs).

They were so bloody invaluable to me that now i'm literally handicapped without them!

Both these were not really my fault. I'm not trying to justify here and yes seriously it was not really my fault that i lost those invaluables.

Though both were burgled out in totally different circumstances, i would like to present a the probability of the existence of a bad omen.. Maybe it was already planned that all this would have had to happen and so it did!

ok i know im whining too much but all this shit has left me handicapped and all im saying is Enough of this shit already! but some might argue that it could have been much worse than this and that i should be grateful which i always am but still, all am saying is Enough of this shit already!

It all began sometime ago, a month ago to be precise when someone flicked my mobile phone from the bag while i was writing the semester exam along with a brand new pen drive that i had won in a competition! Thankfully my wallet was intact and it had the money that was to land me home.

Then a few days later the encounter with drunk 'anti social' elements left me shattered( detailed description in my previous blog post)

And now my bike... is no more.. it got burgled out of Anna University campus' parking lot! It was there for sometime and then whoosh.... its gone.. that was the first time i had to go the glorious cops only to find out that they wont file an F.I.R unless you pay them... this i learnt the hard way after a lot struggle and persuasion.

But anyway now that i have the F.I.R my only hope is the insurance claim for the police inspector made it clear that they wont be able to find the bike for me as it would be impossible to do so once its stolen..

I just hope HE has better things in store for me for HE is making me learn things the tough way..

Thanks for reading!

Constructive Comments Appreciated!


Akila said...

sometimes we suffer a lot for no mistake of ours....ppl neva realize how one feels when their things are lost/stolen....i ve the same experience as u....i felt shattered when i lost my things though it was not so valuable, but it was spl to me in some way....:(:(:( as u say shit happens....

mak said...

yess.. Bad shit/good shit, shit does happen and u cant stop it..
just wish and hope you get to learn from mistakes and better urself.. thats the only thing one can do!